The idea here is to move your mind faster so that you do not have time to over think
Day 1 Decide on the state of the day- This is the state that you will either look for or elicit. The less emotional the better. Never repeat any state during this drill.
1 Write out three elicitations for the state you have decided on.
2 Think about where you will be that day and what will be a round you to help you elicit the state.
3 Then think of 3 ways you can set the anchor.
4 Don’t anchor anyone. Just get them into the state.
Day 2 Decide on the state of the day- make this one more useful that yesterday. Have a real world application.
1 Write out three elicitations for the state you have decided on. All three must be shorter than the day before and you cannot use the name of the state you are trying to elicit.
2 Think about where you will be that day and what will be a round you to help you elicit the state.
3 Then think of 3 ways you can set the anchor.
4 Just find one person that day to set the anchor on.
Day 3 State of the day-
1 Make this state specifically for business. Think of something you can use and will be able to fire for a result.
2 Make these elicitation conversational. They have to sound like normal everyday language. As you do the elicitations make note of what states you are going into. If they are anything different than the state you are eliciting just notice.
3 think about your business environment. What is there? What do you need to bring. It is only by phone then how will you fire it?
4 Plan on one way to anchor it. Focus on that one way.
5 Use the anchor that day.
Day 4- State of the day…none
1 Notice the states that people are going into and out of without your eliciting. Use an anchor of opportunity.
2 When someone goes into a state get them to repeat it by using a validating elicitation. That means that if someone smiles at a dog you say “ So you like dogs?” and pull them back into the state
3 No plan for the anchor. Think quickly and use what is there.
4 Do this twice this day
Day 5 – Repeat day 1 but use only one word elicitations and anchor to a prop of some kind. Find 3 people. Each to a different anchor and different state.
Day 6- Write elicitation for 5 different states.
1 pick 5 different ways to anchor them
2 Find 5 different people to use them on.
Day 7-Pick a couple of your favorite states and anchors from the last week.
Go out and anchor people. Keep going until you fail 5 times.
Turn this into a 14 day drill by starting over.