I received this question today:

“Give me a good elicitation for desire. This is the best anchor I’ve ever seen. Especially for something like pleasure. Just takes a while to get it right, heh. Know of something that can elicit it fast? As fast as possible within reasonable means of course I know some level of rapport and trust must be established.”




This is a common problem when we talk about persuasion skills. So many people focus on the end result that they lose the idea of what persuasion actually is persuasion. It  is the process of moving a person from one point of view to another. When done correctly it is absolutely invisible.


So many times I hear “could you give me an elicitation for desire” I can give you an elicitation but it won’t do you any good. The reason it won’t do you any good is that walking up to a perfect stranger or even someone that you know and moving them from a position of having no desire whatsoever to the position of having desire by simply using an anchor is too big of a leap. Because it is too big of a leap the anchor will be rejected.


The other problem that we run into with this type of request is that there are many different types of desire. There is monetary desire. There is sexual desire. There is status desire. There is a vanity desire. These are just a few.


Too many people want to use anchoring like they use a big stick. They just want to thank somebody over the head with the state and hope it sticks. That will not work because there are so many aspects of persuasion that need to take place before an anchor actually sticks that an elicitation is just not good enough.


You need  to string together all the skills like.. rapport, vocal influence, elicitation, and guided visualization. When you string the skills together you have an unstoppable level of persuasion.


Even after you do all of this if you do not live up to the position that you have created all of your work will be for nothing. If you get someone to the point of desire you have to also be someone who is desirable. If you are a jerk and you get somebody to desire trust you, the response you get can be very negative when they realize you’re a jerk.


This goes for any sort of persuasion. My personal experience has been that when a salesperson gets me to trust them and then they don’t deliver a more disappointed and more aggravated than a salesperson who didn’t get me to trust them.


I tend to get this question much more from them than I do from women. They want to anchor lust, desire, sex, horny or any other states that they think will make a woman do whatever they want. The problem is that they are trying to use the skills to make up for what they don’t think a woman will see in them.


Do I have some really great elicitations for desire? Absolutely. What I suggest is this. The next Golden Members seminar is going to be an updated version of the Utterly Devastating Elicitations. If I were you I would make sure that I was there.

One thought on “Can you Give me A Good Elicitation For DESIRE?”
  1. Nice, I see it as wanting what you have and then wanting more than you have and moving your whole being in that direction.

    Love ya Tom- Thanks for the email.

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