Bringing Rapport OUT of the Stone Age and REALLY getting someone to pay attention to you!

Yes we have all seen the idea that if you mirror someone, matching their physical movements that you can get that person to like you. Yeah and at one time rubbing 2 sticks together was the only way to make fire and everyone had fur underwear.

That was a good method of rapport when it was all there was. The problem is that it was just as likely to insult and irritate someone as it was to do anything else. One thing that happens 100% of the time is that when you are already in rapport, mirroring happens naturally. People tend to follow each other. That is the kind of thing you learn from actually getting rapport and using it instead of just observing it in others.

The big problem is a basic misunderstanding of what rapport is. Too many people think that the goal is to get people to like you. Who would want that? Rapport is not about getting someone to like you. It is about making a connection on the level that has the most influence.





Sometimes that is by being a leader.

Sometimes that is by being a follower.

Sometimes it is by being equal.

Sometimes it is by being subordinate.

The key is KNOWING where you have to be in order to have the most influence, then filling that spot.

Then you have to decide what role to play. If you are a leader what kind of leader should you be? If you are a follower then what kind of follower should you be?

This is where your personality is going to be your guide. If you are not comfortable being a leader, then you don’t have to be one.  Trying to force yourself to become a leader is not going to work well.  At this training we will help you to redefine what role of influence you will take using your personality as the guide, and then you will change the way you approach people to increase your level of influence, without having to become someone you are not.  Whatever personality type you have, we will find the right set of tools for you to use to fit your personality.

Example. I was in a restaurant while visiting a friend in Florida. I went to the bar to get a drink just as a woman at the bar was getting her seared Ahi appetizer. I dropped into a follower/ subordinate position with the role of a hungry child and said, “Mmmmm that looks good.” The result? She FED me her appetizer! I actually had to stop her from giving me more.  My friend who was across the bar was stunned.

What would not have worked?

Well… Mirroring her body and then telling her that it looked good would not have worked. There would be no connection. There would be no position.

This is why rapport is so powerful. If you have the right connection, the right position and the right role you can open anyone up and make them highly suggestible to the direction you want to go.

At this point let me ask you this. Can you tell the difference between the outdated, stone-age idea of matching and mirroring and this real world more usable method of rapport?

Short story. I had one of these guys telling me that they would mirror breathing and eye blinks. Okay I decided I would bite. I asked him to demonstrate. I am not sure I can paint the picture for you well enough to describe what this looked like. It was a cross between someone having a seizure and an asthma attack. He certainly was not able to speak and was so far inside his head that he never really connected at all.

There are a lot of crackpot methods out there that just make no sense. Finally you can learn a method that works.

I can guarantee you one thing. You will be naturally much more comfortable around people than you ever were before. Well maybe two things. People will also be more comfortable around you. You will open a ton of doors by just accomplishing that.

How would being able to instantly connect with people change your life?

What would it be like to get rapport without trying to be someone you are not?

What would it be worth if you were only able to improve the relationships you already have?

What if you could connect with just one person who you couldn’t talk to before?

This is what the TLT seminar is all about. We can take the life skills that EVERYONE should have and tailor them to fit you. Then you can naturally grow into the person you want to become instead of trying to FORCE yourself into being someone you are not.

Honestly life is completely different when you get the treatment that you always desired. You meet more people. You get better jobs. You get treated better than the average person. Life becomes good.

Sign up today and you will get:

4 weeks of pre-training LIVE webinars – $1,000 Value

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3 weeks of follow-up training LIVE webinars – $750 Value

3 months of Platinum Membership – $300 Value

1 hour of LIVE one-on-one consultation – $250 Value


That is a value of $4,297.00 for FIVE Months of high quality training and services for ONLY $995!

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