We have all been through it.  We are having a hard time and we look for answers. All the answers you can think of either have already been tried or just seem impossible to achieve. So you go off on what I call the self-help safari.  You desperately grasp ta anything that sounds remotely plausible but still your best efforts yield temporary results at best.

The reason is simple. Most of that stuff does not work and it written by people far more screwed up than you are 🙂

Let me give you a quick overview of what you have already found

One- Going on a journey through your past to find WHY you are having a problem. The idea is that if you understand why that suddenly that explanation will free you from years of doubt.  Then all your problems will disappear.

The problem with that is that knowing what happened in the past is impossible. There is no way to accurately recall your childhood or anything else that happened years ago. The reason is simple. Your brain does not work that way. It used to be that it was thought that the brain was like a computer storing every bit of information it ever experienced. It does store bits of that information but there is no movie to be played with perfect recall.

One step further… every time you recall a memory you change it. So there is no way that what you are remembering is the actual original event. Bigger problem… The old saying is that if you look for problems you will find them. The same is true of your memory. If you look for a problem you brain will put just enough information together to create it. Many sloppy therapists have created completely false memories by leading people into thinking there must be something wrong.

Two- Pump yourself up! The idea is that there is some state you can get into that will solve all your problems. If you get the right state then your problems won’t matter or they will vaporize. Then you can amp yourself up and feel great.  If only you felt good enough then you could do anything.

The problem is that even if you succeed in getting in a great state there is no possible way that you can keep it four very long. This will result in what we call the suntan effect. You feel great for a short time but soon it all fades away like your weekend beach tan.

This happens for 2 reasons. First your brain gets tired. It is exhausting to stay pumped up for one day much less your entire life. It is like holding a feather out in front of you. A feather weighs nothing but I am willing to bet that after 10 minutes you get tired of holding it. Then you have to force yourself to hold it.  While you are using all that force and attention you can’t possibly be able to think about anything else.

Second, your brain acclimates to states. So no matter how high of a state you get in or how wonderful it is in a very short time your brain gets used to it. So you then have to start chasing even higher and more intense states. If you get those then you have a short time before your brain again acclimates to it. It is like getting a new toy for Christmas. For the first 10 minutes it is great. Then it gets okay. Then it is not new anymore so you never play with it again.

Third, Become a super human. The idea here is that if you were only more powerful then you could handle your problems. People who handle these problems are presented as having secret power or knowledge that will make you unstoppable.

The problem is that this creates a fragile reality where the first time you run into a problem that you cannot solve the house of cards come crumbling down. It is also delusional and damaging because the mindset is that if you are not a super human then you are inferior.  This means you have to keep proving to yourself how powerful you are.

I have seen this one just about destroy people. They try to control everything around them to assert their power and when they can’t they become depressed. Then of course they have to find a new super powerful method to control. It becomes a never ending cycle of searching and disappointment.

So what is the answer?

The answer is to balance you mind in a way that creates more choices than the few you can see. Most problems result from the idea that people feel stuck with the choices they have. They are so deep in their rut that they see no way out. All they see is a question that seems to have no answer.

The reason for this is simple. Your brain has 2 parts. One is creative and the other is emotional. Both are important but when they get out of balance you run into problems. If you are overly emotional you are making decisions without thought. You repeat patterns of behavior and jump from the frying pan into the fire over and over again. If you are overly creative you have great ideas but nothing ever happens because you have no drive to put them into action.

This keeps you from learning how to connect with people, be happy and live the life you want. When you balance your mind and then learn a few skills you can get back on the road to a life with many possibilities and abundance. Once you get into a balanced mindset your mind can work without force power or trying to solve problems of the past. Then you are open to learning the skills and techniques to living that life you really want. Get out of that rut!

Of course you can take the first step by coming to our September seminar in Florida. Balance your life. Have some time to relax and start moving your life in a direction that makes you happy. 


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