I was simply stunned, shocked and finally amused…

As someone who teaches people to get the lives they desire I have always understood what makes people tick. I understand the difference between success and failure is about how you build relationships with people more than any slick trick of persuasion. So imagine my surprise when I read about a persuasion seminar someone is promoting where they suggest that persuasion has nothing to do with rapport and building relationships. They suggest to them that persuasion is all about getting people to do what you want them to do.

Let me say this right now. I have never had a sales client that has been in our coaching program or has been to a seminar that has not at least doubled their income if they used the skills we taught them. Not just sales clients but even those who had regular jobs got promotions and more. 


Many times they have tripled or quadrupled their income in the first year after coming to us and one of the main reasons is that the redefined how they looked at sales. Let me clear that up for you just in case it is not clear.

What they used to think.

They have to control the other person and manipulate them into buying.

They have to use linguistic tricks and strategies to trap their prospect into buying a product.

They have to hammer through each no until they get a yes.

They have to beat the client into submission.

They are the expert and need to lead through power.

Let me say this right now. If you think that getting rapport and building relationships is not important then you will always fail at sales AND all other the relationships in your life.  

Let me be clear. Yes we teach the most powerful rapport and relationship building skills there are. Yes our clients make 10 times what they spend on our seminars within the first year of using the skills we teach. Yes you can use these skills for sales, relationships, leadership motivation and anything else. We do that by not only teaching the skills but also how to make the changes necessary to use those skills.

Let me give you 3 examples from just this week.

1. Gary has been working at his job for years. He hated the job. He hated the people. He wanted to quit. In his words:

“”…prior to the Total Life Transformation Seminar in September 2013, life at work was miserable. I was not fun to be around, my attitude was horrible and if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m exceptional at my job, I believe I would have been fired. And honestly, should have been fired!”

So we have a guy who had basically dead ended himself in his job because of his attitude. No one liked him. He didn’t like them. There was no rapport and he felt ever increasing isolation and frustration.

“After TLT, things are dramatically different. Everyone at the office has noticed the shift in me to a more positive person and quite a few have commented on it. “You’ve changed a lot” is the usual one I get.”

What changed? Gary was not able to open up and connect with people by making changes in himself and learning how to read, understand and connect with people at work.  The results…

Compliments on his change…  Better more relaxed work life… He got a RAISE he did not even ask for… Finally, he got employee of the quarter which comes with a cash bonus!

“The point I’d like to make is that even though I work extremely hard, none of this happened until I put “people skills” into play and TLT (and the Gold Members Area) with Tom and Kim is the only place to learn them!”

Read that again… He worked hard but was getting nowhere!

2. Scott sold cars for the last 5 years. He had conflicts with coworkers and had to work really had to beat people into buying. In his words:

“Socially inept, disconnected, distrusting, struggling salesman that relied on an extreme hard work ethic powered by jealousy, anger, and vengeance at times to force good numbers: going to war and fighting a righteous fight as I saw it was the way I made it through hard times”

It was the old ‘push them until the buy or walk out’ method of sales. He did make an okay living at it even doing it that way but he had also dead ended in his job due to his attitude.

“I got back from the Florida Total Life Transformation Seminar and people started to take notice of the change in my attitude, the way I dealt with things, how now I opened up and really connected with them which caught the eye of many so much so I was invited by my friends General Manager to come in and talk with her about a Finance Managers position that was in the works to be coming open in the near future. “

Did he trick all of them into liking him? No. He was presented with an opportunity due to his ability to connect and build relationships and PEOPLE NOTICED!

“I went into that interview using everything I learned at Total Life Transformation; positioning, anchoring, connecting and aced the interview in such an epic manor I was leading the interview with the GM with a big wow look on her face and a suggestion that she would not get in my way to re attend this year’s Total Life Transformation seminar”

Then he had to face his boss that now loved him and quit his job and something happened that NEVER happened before. Normally when a sales guy quit who was producing at the level Scott was they would sit down and talk him out of quitting by showing them what a huge mistake it was but…

“My boss took me in the office, congratulated me, said how it was a great opportunity he or our corporation didn’t have available, how he understood and wished me luck…. then he did something I have never seen done in the 5 years I have been there… He said they were going to throw me a going away party before I left and I was welcome to come back anytime. It gets better, now that most the employees know that I am going, nearly all of the support staff has said when I get the chance give them the call and they want to come work for me.”

This one was not even about selling. It is about how paying attention to relationships creates opportunities and how a little rapport pays of BIG. The dirty little secret is this. You can work twice as hard as everyone else  and be twice as good but the opportunities will always go to the people who are liked and respected… even if they are not technically as good at you are.

3. Lisa is an experience real estate agent with 30 years in the business. Even with that experience things can go wrong when you miss how you’re affecting people and what is going on in the sales relationship. It almost cost her $10,000. In her words:

“We had been working with this elderly couple, We had shown them several homes and they found one they liked enough to draw up an offer. We prepared the paperwork and met them at their house to sign. It was the first time I had met the wife, so I had a great time talking with her. When we received the first counteroffer, their daughter informed us that they probably weren’t going to buy a house”

What went wrong? It happens to even the best sales person.

“Because when we were at their house… We gave more attention to the wife, and the husband is the one who must have ALL of the attention…  “

Boom… one mistake in the rapport and relationship area and the sale was drifting away fast. Not only that Lisa was not reacting well to it at all and her attitude was not going to help get rapport back.

“When I first heard this, I was so bent out of shape, thought he was such a baby, and didn’t even want to be around that kind of egotistical jerk. My bad attitude definitely would have quickly driven them off. I did a quick 3D-Mind (took less than a minute) and every bit of those bad feelings toward him were immediately gone. Just about an hour ago, we received the binding agreement for a nearly $10,000 closing in mid-February.

She made one quick change and made 10 grand. She had lost her relationship with the guy and had to get it back or it was a NO SALE.

These were all within the past 2 weeks. There have been many more. My point is that even though they did use other skills we teach as well it was the rapport and relationships generated these results with very little real effort.  

You can read the full success stories if you like on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TotalLifeTransformationClearwater2014 if you like.

So let’s review.  One guy now likes his job, got a raise, got a bonus and is employee of the month. Another got the opportunity he has been wanting for years and a going away party just because of how he connected with people. A deal was saved by making one quick change that allowed her to reconnect and save a 10 grand commission. Not one slick trick used at all, just relationship building alone got these results. Imagine what you could do when you add the other skills in.

Look folks if you ever see someone who tells you that rapport and relationship building is not important… run for the hills. Slick tricks and gimmicks are powerless if you have no connection or relationship.

If you are not getting the opportunities you desire…

If you can’t figure out why your career is going nowhere…

If you keep shooting yourself in the foot in social, sales or even romantic relationships…

It might be that you aren’t paying attention to the basic rapport and relationship skills you need to succeed.

Then add in the personal change, learning emotional triggers for success, and how to replicate how other succeed and you have the life you always dreamed of being the person you always wanted to be…. Or maybe even better.

I know June is 6 months away. It is 182 days until the seminar starts but let me give you a quick rundown of what we do.

4 pre training seminars before you even get there

5 days of live training

4 months of follow up training with 4 post training seminars

One free live Skype coaching session that you can use anytime you want.

All the recordings of the pre-training, live seminar and post training to review online for at least one year.

All this for only $995 and we even have a payment plan for you if you need it. 

In the first 2 weeks since I opened registration 50% of the people from last year have signed up to come again to continue their improvement. Give us a chance to do the same for you. If you would like to be there we would love to have you. If you have any questions feel free to email me or follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Essentialskills

Check out our seminar information site:



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