Ultimate Anchoring Masters Boot Camp
The last seminar on anchoring you will ever need…
The Cutting Edge of the most powerful persuasion tool ever created
August 25th-27th
The Problem
The problem most people have is this. When they try to convince somebody of something they think that if they give them enough reasons, then they are being convincing. They think if they get someone excited enough it is compelling. They think if they’re pushy enough they can wear someone down. Those methods take too much effort and only have a momentary effect.
Professional salespeople, managers, business owners, and even anyone trying to make plans with friends face this problem. The bottom line is that it just makes life hard. Do you ever think you have everybody listening and following directions only to find out that as soon as you’re not there it all falls apart?
Then you have to convince them all over again!
This one skill fixes that problem…. forever
We want to teach you how to use this tool in your everyday life to get the life you desire. This is a no holds barred seminar and we will not hold back anything. We are going to teach everything we know.
Imagine being able to get the job you want. Imagine being able to get the raise you deserve.
Imagine being able to sell more than anybody else out there in your field.
Imagine being able to manage people in a way that developed loyalty, trust and dependability.
Imagine being able to get that date with the person you’ve always wanted to date.
Imagine being able to negotiate to get the best price for anything you want to buy AND the highest price for anything you sell.
Here are a few of the examples
Scott $560,000 – IN ONE MINUTE
Today I went to the state asking for money for training programs for the company I train at. This meeting is a big deal and in front of a board of supervisors. I was asking for $560,000 so by no means a small amount of money. The average person group spoke for a few minutes and had a reduction in the contract amount.
I used anchoring and got a yes in less than 60 seconds without a reduction or a single question asked of me. Got approved for a little over half a million.
Zero resistance
Used anchoring and won.
Jay 3 minute 5K sale
Hey all… I wanted to share my first anchoring success story along with how I did it (sorry about the length).
Background: I’m a peak performance coach who’s studied a wide variety of persuasion material. But when it comes to “McZini-style anchoring,” I’m a total noob.
Anyhoo, I decided to perform a little experiment and drastically shorten my sales presentation. My standard protocol is to spend a few hours working with a new client (for free) before I mention packages/payments.
I like to show them how awesome I am up front before I pitch them (my standard pitch is typically 15-20min and takes place at the end of a coaching session).
My new “no pitch” pitch (about 3 minutes total 🙂
3 days later, he decided to sign up for my gold package – $5000 in less than 5 minutes of pitching. Not too shabby.
Kudos to Tom and Kim for teaching me a game-changing technique in just 3 short days. I also have to thank everyone else whom I practiced on and chatted with during breaks. I learned something from each and every one of you
Paul 40% increase in sales in the FIRST week in LESS time
Okay so here is my week after attending the seminar: I put about 55k in sales over the phone ( my average is about 35k a week) But, using Tom and Kims methods I have shortened my close call from about 1 and ½ hours to just under an hour getting better results ( still feel sloppy with the phone anchors BUT seeing much progress)
The real WOW moment for me came just now though. I had a meeting with a company in SLC that I have been talking too about opening an office in Vegas. The opportunity is lucrative enough BUT they wanted 25k upfront for the opportunity and I just didn’t want to put the money upfront so I set the meeting to tell them no.
Sitting at a conference table listening to them talk about the opportunity I thought “what do I have to lose”?
Every time they talked about revenue and opportunity I drew a little 2 inch circle on the table about a foot and a half in front of me and every time I talked about what I bring to the table I tapped the center of the circle… After they tried HEAVILY to close me on the 25k I politely told them no.. They were stunned because they thought it was going so well ( tap tap tap on the little circle ) I stood up to shake hands and leave and one of the partners blurted out “ Wait what did we do wrong’?
I pulled out 2 quarters one in each hand and said “here is me and here is you”, set them on the table and began to slide them back and forth on the table as i was talking about business and what could be ( Just like the sugar packets) focusing on the circle finally coming to rest with both coins on the circle.. “it’s a shame we are going to let 25k come between what could have been such a lucrative partnership” Within five min of that statement they waived the 25k and are paying my office space and expenses for the first 6 months and we are signing the papers on Monday.. ( the whole time they believed they were closing me.. lol)
Again I can’t thank you guys enough.. Every other guru, trainer, and so called expert has always told me use more, bigger patterns, more language, lay it on thicker, find the perfect state, driver etc… What I learned from you is, keep it simple,stay in state, just play and D@%# does it ever work!!!
Liz 100,000 deal DURING the seminar in FIVE MINUTES!
During one of the drills I could not find Liz anywhere. We called everyone together and still no Liz. I went out of the seminar room to look and Liz came running across the lobby and gave Kim a BIG hug. I walked over and asked what was going on and then Liz gave me a BIG hug. We had just taught the 3 Step Sales process using anchoring and when we went for a break she grabbed her notes and ran out of the room to make the call.
She had been trying to get this investor for quite a while with little movement. Using anchoring and the 3 Step Sales process she closed him in just a few minutes!
100K deal closed 5 minutes after we taught the 3 step sales process she went out 5 minutes later and closed 100K DURING the seminar!
Matt closed a $10k deal in a 45 minute call
Just Closed a $10k deal in a 45 minute call….The Gal was looking at some negative stuff about the company I work with on Twitter whilst I was taking her credit card details……there is NO WAY on this earth that deal would have gone through without ANCHORING…..remember this is COLD TRAFFIC…Thanks Tom and Kim you Guys ROCK….when I came on TLT last year I enjoyed it but I didn’t really get the POWER of your STUFF….now I am a slow learner so that’s normal…but its coming together..its going well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOM !!!!!
Damien 30% raise, with 30% more promised in January!
So I thought I would share my first successes with anchoring since the seminar. Last week I spoke to my boss, and I asked him about what his dreams are for the future of the company, and if anything exciting was coming up – and anchored the response, which I used later on to get a 30% raise, with 30% more promised in January!
I also messed with some friends when we were playing board games to get them to make bad decisions and screw each other. I ended up winning with more than double the points of anyone else – they were pretty upset. 🙂
Are these the kind of results that you want to get?
What you get when you decide to attend
3 FULL days of hands on instruction teaching the newest things we have developed and have been testing but NEVER taught before.
Tailoring one of your presentations, situations or sale pitches to fit you and your personality perfectly.
Membership to the Masters Facebook Group where you can continue to ask questions and get help long after the seminar is over.
The Cutting Edge of the most powerful persuasion tool ever created.
If you want to master this skill then this is the ONLY place you will learn it at a MASTERS level
Ultimate Anchoring Masters Boot Camp
August 25th-27th
Clearwater Florida
Need More Proof???
Sam is in sales and is a client of ours. When starting in our coaching program he had one simple request. He wanted to almost double his income in the next year. No problem. Sam has been in sales for about 12 years and has done pretty well, but he hit a dead end.
James had taken over the 45 year old, family business. His employees would not listen to him and it was hurting the productivity of his business. His clients kept beating him down on price. His suppliers were not negotiating with him. His supervisors were not in control of what was going on in the business.
Win and Lisa had been in the real estate business for combined 40 years of experience. They put a team together to supplement their income. Their team caused more drama than you can imagine. They spent more time managing their team and actually selling any real estate themselves.
Anthony was a financial planner who has good and been in the business for 40 years and have been working very hard. He had every certification. He had some clients but they wouldn’t do what he said, and they wouldn’t refer anybody to him. He was working hard for every sale. He had bought almost every sales system you can imagine and got no results.
Andre is a contractor who was not getting the business he should have. He does specialty painting and there is not even much competition in the trade, but he still couldn’t close the deals.
Angelo sells heating systems in England. He was going on appointments and only closing 30%. That is not a bad living but not what he wanted. He has been doing this for years and has never really gotten past average.
But everything changed…
This one tool allowed Sam almost double his income last year.
James saved $250,000 in his first year of using what we talked.
Win and Lisa got rid of their entire team and all the drama that went with it. Now they are making more money than they did when they had a team of people working for them.
Anthony now makes more money than he ever did and only works a couple days a week.
Andre’s closing rate went to 100% for the next 12 months!
Angelo just had his best week ever. “This week with a conversion of 70% puts me first in the region. I can honestly say this has all been down to the skills I have learnt from the seminar. Even this morning got a quick sale with hardly mentioning any of the benefits of what we do. Her comment was I do business with people I like and trust and she doesn’t like BS salesmen. So thanks Tom and Kim for giving me the tools I needed to make this happen….”
Ultimate Anchoring Masters Boot Camp
August 25th-27th
Clearwater Florida