Everyone who looks into self improvement has that ONE THING they want to change. That is why they start down the path to changing themselves. The
difference between those who get that one thing and those who don’t are
three little words.

They are like a giant wall that is so imposing that it makes your knees go
weak. For some it is a dead end. For others it is the monster in their
mental closet that they never go near. Then there are those who just freeze
and their lives comes to a stand still at the mere thought of it.

What are these three little words?

I Am Scared….

Do you have any of these 17?

I am scared to ask her out

I am scared of the unknown

I am scared of pain

I am scared of disappointment

I am scared to take a chance

I am scared to take that risk

I am scared to make that call

I am scared to stand out from the crowd

I am scared of looking stupid

I am scared of speaking in front of people

I am scared of rejection

I am scared of criticism

I am scared of my fear

I am scared of intimacy

I am scared of failing

I am scared of getting hurt

I am scare of  being wrong

I am scared of making an effort

95% of people avoid the thing that they are afraid of. They feel lost and
have no way to address this problem. They have never been taught to deal
with fear. They don’t have the life skills to make the progress they need.
They finally just give up, stop looking for answers, and design their lives
around their fear. They accept their position in life and stop trying.

Before now there was one answer. Confront your fear. Overpower what you are
scared of. Prove to yourself that you can do what you are afraid of.

Examine why you are afraid and hope that understanding eliminates it.


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